“In a way, the online classes are just as good as being there because Marianna is so good at verbalizing the moves, and it is easier to see. This time we get to move the teacher around! I really enjoy the live class, which has great energy and “being” with other long time practitioners feels like a very safe and nurturing environment. And I get to be in my own private space during a live class.”
SG, Belfast
“Working my feet at home with the video has been happening. It really helps, so I do it and the video allows me to focus and spent the time.” FS, Monroe
I love about Marianna’s class is that she emphasizes the importance of mindfully adjusting your body in each pose to create freedom in the areas that we too easily forget about on a day to day basis. She teaches to create this freedom for you, no one else. I have learned that yoga is not a competitive sport; this lesson has been truly an invaluable to me. I can highly recommend Marianna’s classes and the Belfast Yoga Studio to anyone, no matter their level of skill or where they happen to be on their journey to yoga. –Emily C. Midcoast, ME
Not long ago I played four hours of tennis. To someone in the prime of life, no big deal. Right? However, I am sixty-eight years of age and in July of this year I could barely walk up a flight of stairs without desperately holding onto the banister!
My back, my groin, my hamstrings, and my ankles and everything else seemed to be signaling the end of a physical life that I loved. Thankfully, I met Marianna Moll. She is the proprietor of Belfast Yoga. www.belfastyoga.com
I admit, I was a bit skeptical at first when she said that she had some exercises that would help me. And that I could be physically active for the rest of my life!
After only three sessions with her, I was back on the tennis court! Now, after ten sessions, my wife and I are heading to Florida to take on the senior circuit!
I cannot thank Marianna enough for restoring my health.
Ken Theobald, Brooks, Maine
I love body rolling. It’s been great for building my core, developing flexibility and strength throughout my body, and healing injuries. When I attend regularly, I find myself very conscious of engaging my abdominal muscles and not slouching, sitting or standing. It just feels better.
When I broke my upper arm this winter, my doctor said I might never regain full movement in my arm or its former strength. After one session with Marianna, I increased my arm mobility to near 100%. When I stressed it a few weeks later, a few more sessions brought it back to its former flexibility.
Marianna is a master at reading one’s body and knowing what is needed. She helps us do our own “bodywork.” We are very lucky to have her in the Belfast area. I think everyone should try body rolling. It’s a good for the mind as it is for the body and that says a lot!” –Joyce S., Orland, ME
Yamuna Body Rolling is the “exercise” I have been looking for my whole life. Fun, fast and so effective! The best part is you can do it at home and even in bed. It is good for every part of you, bones, tissue and muscle. It is also low cost and has had made profound functional changes in my body; no more leaky bladder or sluggish bowels. S.G.,Belfast
I have been a pupil of Marianna Moll for more than 20 years and I owe my good health (physical and emotional) and flexibility to her programs. I am seventy-five years young and expect to continue with her for the rest of my life. Thank you, Marianna –E.M.
Last year I attended a Yamuna Rolling class with Marianna I wasn’t sure what to expect but felt like it was an opportunity to help my body with its many aches and pains. One of my on-going issues was persistent “tennis elbow” after helping a friend remove hardwood floor planks…my elbow chronically bothered me for almost a year….One Yamuna Rolling class with Marianna corrected the problem and I have not had any other incidence since the class. I highly recommend Yamuna Rolling for any number of chronic muscular/tendinitis problems for everyone. I am a firm believer and plan to attend Marianna’s workshops whenever possible….it is a real joy to find a non-invasive solution to correcting muscular imbalances! –Amy B.
I too am truly thankful for this yoga studio community that you have inspired. Today is my birthday and I can’t think of a better gift to give myself than an opportunity to come to your class!
I look forward to class every week! I feel each day the amazing work that the practice of yoga has had on my whole self, mind/body/spirit. It is difficult to narrow it down to specific details, but the best I can attest to is that I am a gentler, kinder, more peaceful person.
Thank you for your non-judging acceptance, enduring love and tireless leadership. Many, many thanks. –Anonymous
Self observation: since I have been doing Yamuna body rolling and yoga with the fabulous Marianna, I have noticed a significant decrease in all the fears that were once in my life, thunder storms being one of those fears, diminished, gone, kapoot, and I am so happy and loving that! I never realized how much fear I lived in all my life, all kinds of little ridiculous fears, now mostly gone or significantly diminished. Love it and am so thankful for this work in my life, so so thankful! A lot of the work you don’t really notice until something creeps up and you just notice that you don’t react in the same manner anymore. Amazing feeling! RR
I have been attending weekly Yamuna classes for about five years and recently had my height professionally measured for the first time in 10 years. What a wonderful surprise to see, at 62 years of age, that I have gained a full inch in hight! I am now 5’5″ after being 5’4″ tall my entire adult life. That is so inspiring. I have also lost over 40 pounds and feel the fittest I ever have in my entire life.
S.G. April 2018
Up until a year or two ago, I had to get up two, sometimes even three times. After working with you for a couple of years I frequently slept all night, uninterrupted. Now, I never have to get up for the bathroom. If there was no other benefit from YBR, this alone would make me very happy.
Beside that huge benefit, my breathing is deeper, I’m more flexible, and I even think my balance has improved a little.
SG January 2020
I wanted to tell you that after the Yamuna in Bed workshop, I did as you suggested and practiced in bed for five days in a row. The change was remarkable! I was living with muscle and joint pain that was borderline debilitating; it was limiting my life and diminishing my quality of life. After just one day of Yamuna in bed, I felt remarkably better. I have continued to practice every day in bed and while I am struggling with some other health issues, my muscles and joints feel well and pain-free most of the time. It’s lovely and I’m grateful.
NG (Yoga Teacher)