Our Newsletter is filled with information on new classes plus interesting links and tips helping you to Say Yes! to your life. You may sign up to the lists below according to region or time frame that interests you. We may also use this list to send out special email announcements such as class cancellations due to weather. The Newsletter goes out one to three times a month, depending on class schedules.
Click here to sign up to receive our BELFAST YOGA STUDIO REGULAR NEWSLETTER featuring all our year-round Belfast Classes.
Click here to sign up to receive our BELFAST YOGA STUDIO REGULAR NEWSLETTER featuring all our year-round Belfast Classes.
Sign up to receive only in the summer our BELFAST YOGA STUDIO SUMMER ONLY NEWSLETTER featuring all our summer only Belfast Classes.
Sign up to receive newsletters that contain info on YAMUNA® BODY ROLLING CLASSES in Camden/Rockport at MidCoast Rec Center.
Sign up to receive newsletters that contain info on YAMUNA® BODY ROLLING CLASSES in the Bangor/Newport areas.
Sign up to receive newsletters that contain info on YAMUNA® BODY ROLLING CLASSES in the Portland/Brunswick areas.